Aug 12, 2011

Five Things Friday

1) Today I almost cried at the end of my run. I set off this morning for a long run at this beautiful park:
Oh hayy fall, call you hurry up? Love, Meg.
And I had a really anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. You know that feeling? Like before a huge test or presentation? I just really didn't know how my long run was going to go. If you read my last post, you know that running and I are currently in a complicated a bad way (are complicated relationships ever a good thing?). I started dead legs! I'm gonna chalk this one up to getting my little booty out of bed at 11 last night and eating a HUGE snack, whereas usually I'd try to sleep it off. I ate before my run this morning, and to my delight my run was BALLER. I knocked out 12 miles and teared up a little at the end (and then proceeded to do a really embarrassing happy dance in the parking lot.) I don't know if it was a fluke, but I really needed this run. No, it was not my fastest, and no it wasn't perfect, but it sure built my confidence.

2) Panera is pretty much my favorite chain restaurant and today I decided to stray from my usual order and I got the "you pick 2" with half of a strawberry poppyseed salad and some random sandwich that my brother can have. GUYS this salad is so delicious! I could literally drink the dressing Let us admire:
I caught up with some of my favorite high school girlies and munched away. Then, when I got home, I immediately made lunch #2 because let's face it, while fruit and lettuce is delicious it definitely isn't enough for me! Greek yogurt, cereal, and a multitude of pretzels with hummus were demolished enjoyed.

3) I've been so inspired by looking at the "apparel" tab of pinterest lately. These outfits caught my eye this morning,
Who says brown and black don't go together?

Her hair. And smile, too.
 I'm really craving fall.

4) Goosebumps. Can we just talk about them for a second? I just shaved this morning and I got REALLY cold in Panera. Goosebumps happened. Hair grew back in about 2 seconds. Does this happen to anyone else or am I going crazy?!

5) I really, really, REALLY, am craving a good thunderstorm. I want it to thunder, lightning, and pour tonight. I also want to get fro-yo.
Fro-yo > drugs
= Happy Meg.

So, this was pretty much an incoherent tangent but some questions for YOU!

1) What's your favorite thing at Panera?
2) What fall clothing item do you want to buy? Or what do you want to buy right now in general?
3) Favorite fro-yo topping?
4) Am I a weirdo about the goosebumps thing???

Have a great Friday night!!


  1. I am SO craving a thunderstorm too. I am on the verge of a rain dance.

    My favorite fro-yo topping is pretzels and cinnamon toast crunch cereal. Actually that's a lie. My real favorites are cheesecake bites and cookie dough, but I don't let myself get them every time. They're more of a splurge!

  2. Ahh I love a good thunderstorm too!
    I also enjoy that salad from Panera, nice choice :) I am always so sad when they take away in the fall and winter, they should keep it around all of the time
    Favorite froyo toppings? Oh my umm everything? But to narrow it down a bit- brownie, cheesecake bites, always have to have sprinkles (chocolate!) blueberries, kiwi, pieces of snickers, graham cracker... I usually end up paying about 9 bucks for the whole dang thing haha

  3. uh making me play favorites with panera?! Seriously?! Well if I could pick my last panera meal, it would be black bean soup and the fuji apple salad for sure. But I pretty much love everything there. I am so with you on the thunderstorms! My dad and I watch them together -- I love them.

    Congrats on your run!!! Long runs can be so intimidating, but I feel so accomplished when I finish. Way to go!!

  4. i'm so glad you commented on my blog because that led me to yours!!!
    love the random mix of things in this post! def keeps it interesting and colorful!!!
    love all the fashion/apparel pics you posted - especially those leather boots and that leather clutch... killer. and gwyneth paltrow? can i just say GIRLCRUSH!?

    fall clothing item i want to buy... boots boots boots i'm all about 'em. maybe a good trench?!
    favorite froyo topping is toasted coconut (currently.. this changes frequently!)

    i feel ya on the goosebumps thing! i don't like em either!

  5. 12 miles? hell yeah girl!
    i looove that salad from panera as well.. I'm gonna be doing some damage there next year cause its right next to my apartment!
    Cute jackets are always my go-to in the fall. seriously i can't get enough! and it's a great way to re-wear your summery tops cause it makes them look completely different :D
    no fro-yo toppings for me! i like it smooooooth. okay okay maybe the occasional pb chips ;)

  6. Awesome run! Strawberry poppy seed salad sounds yummy.
    Favorite fro-yo topping cereal treats :)
